Other peoples' hearts
This is a gallery of hearts people have found in unexpected places. If you are an instagram user and have an image you would like to add, #LBPheart and it will be uploaded to this gallery to build the love content in the brooch. You can also contribute your heart photos via the facebook page, or through the contact page.
Photo courtesy of Instagram user Jessemixer. Not to be reproduced without permission
This one is EXCELLENT! Photo courtesy of Angela Neville. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Matt Ackerly. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Instagram user BridgeyNev. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Aimee Bishop. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Instagram user Tiktikiboom. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Instagram user BridgeyNev. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Instagram user Balk_Kat. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Instagram userLoptyLou. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Cathy Stevens. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Matt. Instagram username Mattackerly Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Sandra Colbeck. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Instagram user ecattus. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Amanda Moran. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Laura Lou. Instagram username: looptylou3 Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of the amazing and beautiful Gabbee Stolp. Instagram username: gabbees Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of the amazing and beautiful Gabbee Stolp. Instagram username: gabbees Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Jemma Clemments. Not to be reproduced without permission.
Grace always finds heart rocks. It's a good skill to have :)
Spikey Riddoch took a series of heart photos on a bushwalk at Lake St Claire, Tasmania. Copytight of Spikey.
Spikey Riddoch took a series of heart photos on a bushwalk at Lake St Claire, Tasmania. Copytight of Spikey.
Photo courtesy of Grace Pundyk. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo curtesy of Instagram user tomlewisdlc. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Issey who loves hearts, age 5. Not to be reproduced without permission
Dolorite rock heart, photo courtesy of Spikey. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo courtesy of Wanasai Hunn. Not to be reproduced without permission
Carved huon pine heart made by Cameron Williams in Hobart.
Spikey Riddoch took a series of heart photos on a bushwalk at Lake St Claire, Tasmania. Copytight of Spikey.
Heart rock found in the Mersey river at Liena, Tasmania 1997
Photo curtesy of Instagram user Squigglev. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo curtesy of Instagram user Birdcowfish (Alex Herbert). Not to be reproduced without permission
Spikey Riddoch took a series of heart photos on a bushwalk at Lake St Claire, Tasmania. Copytight of Spikey.
Photo curtesy of Instagram user jessemixer. Not to be reproduced without permission
Photo curtesy of Instagram user pennyluvsu. Not to be reproduced without permission